ChatGPT ruin Writing skills? and how to identify it.

Tips to check an article based on whether it generates from ChatGPT or not.

Arista Indrajaya
3 min readJan 17, 2023
Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash

Today everyone may be worrying about the development of technologies, especially if you are a civitas academics, software developer or writer who uphold the originality of their code, paper publications or articles. Many AI generators can instantly help individuals create websites, articles or paper publications. In my perception, the imagination is based on something other than the brain, which cannot be the purpose of creating products such as journals, articles or even a bunch of code. But it can becomes a double-edged sword that can be good or not.

From now and in the future, AI will help us to delivers certain articles, and we can share something with AI so that AI can be another way for us to think but with a permanent memory that cannot be erased or forgotten. Let’s have a look at an example of how to use ChatGPT based on our needs.

part of article based on AI input

You can see that the ChatGPT AI can generate part of article that we need and give some recommendations of how your article looks based on the title that you already input to the chat.

generated article based on our input

I have thought about it and am trying to write an article that way. And here we go. I’ve just created an article instantly by using help from ChatGPT AI. And what I’m doing next? I’ve just compose the paragraph that already generates from the ChatGPT from the first paragraph to the summary paragraph of the article, that’s insane!

But, you do not have to worry if you are a professional writer or civitas academic concerned about the originality of publications or articles. Because the AI itself has to provide some detector that can ensure the publications or articles are fake, generated from AI or not. At least, by using these detectors, we can conciliate our way of thinking and check it.

You can go to this output OpenAI detector, which is an open-source detector tool, and you can go here to see more details about that tool. Here the result of the detector tools, you can see that I’ve just copied the generated paragraph from the ChatGPT and the result of detector.

when the AI output checked by AI detectors


That’s it. Based on that experience, you shouldn’t be worried about the AI because we can still identify the article that is really from their ideas or is just generated by AI. And what I learned from that tool detector is that the AI itself have a model that can generate any inputs from users, and then the input will be generated by its model based on AI data banks, just the same as our brain works. So, the detector tool just reverses the article by its AI model and calculates the possibility of it which can be based on whether AI generates it or not.

